Blended Continuing Education Courses

Every Waking Moment: SLP Book Club on Facilitating Change for People Who Stutter

Offered for 2.0 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate, Professional)
A copy of Every Waking Moment is required for participation.

A book club for speech-language pathologists on facilitating change for people who stutter. In this series of guided discussions, participants will learn the overt and covert side effects of stuttering, the cycle of struggle perpetuated by avoidance and maladaptive responses to stuttering, the state of hyper-vigilance about stuttering and its destructive toll on a person who stutters, and the role SLPs can play in marginalizing the side effects of stuttering and its impact. Participants will analyze the process of change that enables a person who stutters to let go of the physiological, emotional, and mental effort put into stuttering as well as avoidance and identity concealment in order to find self-acceptance, life-fulfillment, and freedom, ease, and joy in communication.

20 Registered Hours
6 live hours of lecture and guided discussion
14 hours for book reading
ASHA Brand Block 2.0
Select Wednesdays via Zoom
The Spring 2025 book club dates will be on:
Jan. 22, Feb. 12, and Mar. 5

6:30-8:30 PM CST
$30 Registration Fee
A copy of Every Waking Moment is required for participation. Cost of book not included.
Purchase book on Amazon

Learning Outcomes for SLP Book Club

As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

For satisfactory completion of the course, participants will complete a post-course one-page written reflection on their learning.


Identify maladaptive responses to stuttering that perpetuate struggle, avoidance, and lack of participation in life.


Identify signs of cognitive, affective, and behavioral transformation related to efficiency, ease, confidence, freedom, and joy in communication.


Explain the importance of habit development and habit change in therapy, and how it leads to self-acceptance and building momentum in life.


Describe how awareness, action, perspective, and social connection propel lasting change in the life of a person who stutters.

Time Ordered Agenda

Part I


5 min: Introductions and disclosures

20 min: Review of key terminology

30 min: Review of the side effects of stuttering as it relates to the internalization of stuttering and the role of debilitating inaction and avoidance

25 min: Review of the role of early speech therapy and intensive fluency clinic

15 min: Review of “earthquake moments” as early catalysts for change

20 min: Questions

5 min: Summary and Closing

120 minutes
Part II


5 min: Introductions

15 min: Review of the “stuttering lens” as it pertains to coping mechanisms and maladaptive behaviors

15 min: Review of the effects of a singular focus on fluency and treatment approaches that perpetuate hiding stuttering

40 min: Review of the ARTS® treatment approach, the repurposing of “speech tools”, and cognitive restructuring as a crucial component of therapy

20 min: Review of resilience, the incremental compounding of endurance, and how support organizations relate to identity and growth

20 min: Questions

5 min: Summary and Closing

120 minutes
Part III


5 min: Introductions

20 min: Review of Propeller One – Awareness

20 min: Review of Propeller Two – Action

20 min: Review of Propeller Three – Perspective

20 min: Review of Propeller Four – Social Connection

20 min: Questions

10 min: Values in Action Reflection Exercise

5 min: Summary and Closing

120 minutes

SLP Book Club Testimonials

"I personally believe our profession is only recently catching on to the relationship of trauma and stuttering. Anderson’s insight demands attention from clinicians as I believe to most effectively treat stuttering, we need to understand what is best for the whole-person to thrive as their true self. What came forward from Anderson’s book tells me to pay attention to research on stuttering in relation to trauma, mindfulness, physical health and wellness, social satisfaction, and feelings of loneliness."
- Briann Morbitzer, MS, CCC-SLP
"This experience provided me with a feeling of confidence that I am the right SLP to be talking to parents and children about stuttering and can do it without tiptoeing around the topic. I felt a confidence boost right after our first session and it has resulted already in having children and parents open up to me in our sessions in ways that feel comfortable and beneficial for all. I left this experience knowing I am on the right track."
- Tammy Croak, MS, CCC-SLP
“This specific learning experience was so beneficial because it allowed me to engage with the text in a dynamic and social way. It allowed me to digest his writing on my own terms and then hear how others are digesting it. This, coupled with the real-time experience of engaging with the author, allowed a deeper understanding of what the text had for me.”
- Jack Henderson, MS, CCC-SLP

SLP Book Club Facilitators

Register for SLP Book Club

Transcending Stuttering for Instructors in Speech-Language Pathology

Offered for 1.1 ASHA CEUs (Intermediate, Professional)
Course materials required for participation.

This is a blended learning experience for academic and clinical speech-language pathology instructors to develop innovative and practical ways to prepare SLP students to become exceptional guides for people who stutter. Learning modalities include reading, videos, practical exercises, and interactive meetings focused on assessment, differentiated treatment, person-centered care and a collection of clinical tools for real life.

11 Registered Hours
5 live hours of guided discussion
6 hours for eBook reading and instructional videos
ASHA Brand Block 1.1
Select Tuesdays via Zoom
February 18, March 4, March 18, April 1
11:00-12:15 PM CST / 12:00-1:15 PM EST
$25 Registration Fee +
$49 for Transcending Stuttering Course Pack
Course materials required for participation.
Spero Stuttering, Inc. provided financial support to offset the cost of this course.

Transcending Stuttering Course Pack Includes


Consume short chapters packed with bite-size insights and examples to make sense of stuttering and useful exercises to apply what you learn.

Printable Exercises

Go deeper with online and printable resources to turn ideas into action.

33 Video Courses

Learn and grow with short, engaging videos that accompany each eBook chapter.

Video Library

Watch 30+ expert-led Master Classes on the most important topics in stuttering - on-demand for you to playback anytime.

3 Documentaries

Transcending Stuttering: The Inside Story (28 min)
Going with the Flow (22 min)
Going with the Flow: Straight Talk - Lecture with Dr. Phil Schneider (40 min)

Digital Toolbox

Access curated tools, resources, and research tailored for individuals, clinicians, and instructors.

24/7 Online Community

Connect with peers and mentors for advice, support, and inspiration.

Learning Outcomes for Transcending Stuttering

As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

For satisfactory completion of the course, participants will complete pre- and post-course assessments consisting of entry and exit surveys, including self-ratings, multiple choice questions, and short answer questions.


Identify 3 facts and 3 myths informed by the iceberg model of the stuttering experience, including the physical and non-physical aspects of stuttering.


List at least 3 behavioral speech strategies related to the parameters of speed and tension, including rationale for their use.


Identify at least 3 cognitive and emotional strategies related to thoughts and feelings to support healthy attitudes and beliefs and self-acceptance.


Describe at least 3 self-advocacy strategies related to de-stigmatization and inclusion in social, educational, and vocational contexts.

Time Ordered Agenda

Unit 1

Self Knowledge

5 min: Introductions and disclosures

15 min: Self-knowledge concepts and strategies

15 min: Clinical examples

25 min: Clinical tools to apply in teaching

10 min: Questions

5 min: Summary and Closing

75 minutes
Unit 2

Self Adjustment

5 min: Introduction

15 min: Self-adjust concepts and strategies

15 min: Clinical examples

25 min: Clinical tools to apply in teaching

10 min: Questions

5 min: Summary and Closing

75 minutes
Unit 3

Self Acceptance

5 min: Introduction

15 min: Self-acceptance concepts and strategies

15 min: Clinical examples

25 min: Clinical tools to apply in teaching

10 min: Questions

5 min: Summary and Closing

75 minutes
Unit 4

Self Advocacy

5 min: Introduction

10 min: Self-advocacy concepts and strategies

10 min: Clinical examples

10 min: Clinical tools to apply in teaching

10 min: Questions

25 min: Interactive Reflections

5 min: Summary and Closing

75 minutes

Transcending Stuttering Facilitators

Uri Schneider

Uri Schneider, MA, CCC-SLP, leads the team at Schneider Speech, providing personalized speech therapy both in-person and online. He also hosts the *TranscendingX* podcast and community and offers leadership and performance coaching, helping corporate clients excel in communication and performance. Uri specializes in stuttering, voice, and learning challenges, working with individuals from ages 2 to 99. His approach empowers people to overcome obstacles and achieve success they once thought impossible. He earned a BA in Linguistics, Communication Disorders, and Business, as well as an MA in Speech-Language Pathology from Queens College, CUNY, and served on the faculty at the Riverside School of Medicine, University of California. Outside of work, Uri enjoys running, exploring the outdoors, and spending time with his wife and children.

Financial disclosures: Uri Schneider is Co-director of Schneider Speech and Creator of Transcending Stuttering. He has no non-financial relationships to disclose.

Ana Paula Mumy

Ana Paula G. Souza Mumy, SLPD, CCC-SLP, is a trilingual Speech-Language Pathologist, Program Director and Associate Professor. She teaches stuttering and counseling at the graduate level and has provided and supervised clinical services for people who stutter across the lifespan. She is the co-founder and president of Spero Stuttering, Inc., a nonprofit organization that seeks to help, empower, and advocate for the stuttering community and their families by equipping those who work with people who stutter. Ana Paula is also a facilitator at Camp Shout Out, a one-of-a-kind camp for youth who stutter.

Financial disclosures: Ana Paula Mumy is employed by East Texas Baptist University.

Non-financial disclosures: She is the co-founder and president of Spero Stuttering, Inc. and a member of ASHA, TSHA, and SIGs 4, 10, 11, 14, and 20.

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